Narrator and point of view in some small poems in prose by Baudelaire


  • Assistant .prof: Bashar Sami YASHOOA



Narrator, focus, point of view


The poet in creating his literary work begins to seek a new style by which he can express himself freely. With versification and its obligations, he is almost chained. Thus the poem in prose appears as a new style engendered by poetry. What drives us to study the poem in prose is the place it occupies in the nineteenth century and the style it follows to express the ideas of poets. The Spleen de Paris by Charles Baudelaire is part of this new genre. This rich collection of techniques represents one of the most important works of the French prosaic genre. Baudelaire as a creator embodied the image of Paris in a time when this city was full of images to watch.  The Spleen of Paris is based on narrative and description techniques. The different types of narrator that we discovered there, have adopted techniques of focus or different point of view. To each of these little poems in prose, a narrator and a vision adopted according to the techniques proposed by G. Genette.  Focuses internal, external and zero, are widely adopted in a specific objective of each poem in prose of this collection.


1- André Guyaux, Baudelaire : un demi-siècle de lecture des fleurs du mal, 1855-1905, Collection mémoire de la critique, Paris, Sorbonne, 2007
2- Christian Angelet, F. Hallyn, Maurice Delacroix, Méthodes du texte : introduction aux études littéraires, De Boeck supérieur, Paris, 1987
3- Corinne Bayle, Nocturne de l’âme moderne : Le Spleen de Paris de Charles Baudelaire, publication univ, Rouen Havre, 2014.
4- Charles Baudelaire, Le Spleen de Paris, Primento, Paris, 2015
5- Gérard Genette, Figures III, Seuil, Paris, 1972
6- Glaudine Gothe-Merch, Narration et interprétation : actes du colloque organisé par la faculté de philosophe et de lettre, Les 3,4 avril 1984. A l’occasion des 125 anniversaires de la faculté universitaire Saint-Louis. Publications Fac st Louis,1984
7- Jean-Pierre Goldenstein, Pour lire le roman, De Boeck supérieur, Paris, 1987
8- Michel Raimond, Le roman, Armand Colin, Paris, 2011
9- Suzanne Bernard, Le poème en prose de Baudelaire jusqu’ à nos jours, Nizet, Paris.1988





