Cultural Speech in Iraqi Press 1968-2003


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Ridhaa Mobark
  • Adel Hashim Muhsin



Speech, Culture, Iraqi Press


The Cultural Speech in Iraqi press is still regarded as Complication which is emerges from the interference of epistemic propotion under the shadow of influential system, its ideology is inflamed from a speech full of nationality towards glorificated one that circulates in the field of the only one president, and such a complication is common in most of the influential systems around the world, in which there is the struggle between the ideology of the only one party, and the educated person who looks forwards to get of everything that inhibits his or her freedom and also his or her creative views. This is obvions through this period of the history of modern Iraq. Here we find the importance of the paper in order to define the speech compositions according to the ideological and political struggle which was in Iraq, when the Iraqi educated person was as a hostage of the clout and ideology .We shed light, through the paper, on the stages of such a speech and its presence in limited series, Sometimes there is as pread in the political situation, and sometimes glow in kilu of many bloody wars, making the views of Iraqi educated person go away.Our device is the analystic descriptive method in analyzing such a speech and its resourses in order to define its various dimensions 





