Words animal and plant And in the context Dalalthma Quranic


  • samir ja'afer yaseen




A context theories of semantics, which is considering the meaning and significance interested in extracting word (1). And taking into account the context of the most important factors in selecting the appropriate word to indicate the intended meaning. Before entering into this topic should be to identify the components of a context Results (single and installation) (2). The single is from (the most important units Tags for they shall be the basis of the most important level of units Tagged even counting each unit Tagged Minor) (3). The installation Virad relations among the words of the delay and provide definition and Tinker, and other ways of expression (4). The study is (truly objective study which will help to understand the text and a taste of what the beauty ...) (5). And (installation and use of vocalizations in the context of literary property artistic expression as the intrinsic value of the term gain importance through consistency and compatibility with other wordy speech melody Thish earning him the soul) (6). The Holy Quran with careful use it from words, especially words animal and plant and put in its appropriate context. Each genus of animal and plant species characteristics and the characteristics of the different part from each other and shared by children of same-sex





