German mysticism


  • Mahmoud Khudair Hamad al-Dulaimi



Needless to say that Sufism is the spiritual was not restricted to a particular religion, nor on the doctrine of a particular philosophical, but is found in every religion and every philosophical doctrines as there is mysticism in the Islamic religion is mysticism, Christian and beyond that even to the religious status enacted by the people themselves and this is prompted me to discuss this subject, study, so that the reader Quran be seen on this important aspect of German philosophy is the philosophy stems from the heart not the mind and that they do not neglect the role of reason exactly, but they make him a minor role in the field of knowledge, they glorify the wisdom of God in the land and maximize for his ability and his knowledge over being uphold Anthropology and ability is the right philosophy of science overall, which is a general theory of matter and spirit of the soul and the body of nature and the absolute is the philosophy of Sufism originated from the depths of conscience German Vamufkr German dive into the depths of existence and wants to unite with the sky. May look to the sky while never forgetting that Yahya on the ground and if looked at the ground to remember what was in the sky and thinking believer does not fear the power of God, which is located elsewhere on the ground, but reverence for the greatness of the heart of a believer of God and manifested in this great universe. As the subject of German philosophy major and wide can not take in all its aspects to consider a small and modest, so we decided that we study some of the philosophers of German mystics as examples of mysticism German was the most prominent of these are the Eckart and Nicholas, and some philosophers, mystics others this is an attempt to understand mysticism German as I was able to understand, from their words and an overview of the image that shows where German mysticism.





