Meta Language in Linguistics and the Arabic Linguistic Heritage, a Research in the Concept and the Problems


  • Dr.Kareem Ubeid Alawi



Linguistics, discourse, Meta Language


Abstract:This research within its first section was concerned about clarifying the concept (meta language) and its importance in linguistics and the scientific justifications which pushed the linguist into adopting this concept within the construction of their theories on language. The research stopped at the scientific non-linguistic resources from which the linguists quoted this concept. The research also was concerned about exposing the problems resulted from (meta language) in the formation of the linguistic discourse which will mix with the object language described by that discourse. The research was also interested in distinguishing between (meta discourse) and (meta language), then it ceased in an evaluating view at Arabic linguistic translation which tried to represent the term and its translation. In the second section, the research focused on sensing this concept in the Arabic linguistic heritage, hence it stopped at Arabic syntactic, linguistic and ideological heritage sources represented by the mother references and some (Amali) books and some sources of Islamic jurisprudence foundations science in which the concept was used and manifested, stating the objective motifs which enforced on those heritage linguistic views to resort to the concept of (meta language) adopting an analytical descriptive approach tracing the development of the concept historically in those Arabic sources and clarifying the Arabic historical privacy which enforced the linguists into resorting to this concept, approaching through all these the receiving problems of the linguistic discourse generated by talking about the language by the language itself which had the greatest impact on the distinction of the ancient Arab linguist between the language and the (meta language). 





