Survey of the problems experienced by students of the Faculty of Arts / University of Kufa


  • Lubnaa Abd Alrasoul Nagam Sadoon
  • Lubnaa Abd Alrasoul Nagam Sadoon



University of Kufa, Faculty of Arts. Survey of the problems


The multiplicity of methods of social life, diversity and family disintegration and the pressures of life, economic and political crises and the other is the root of many social problems and psychological suffered by individuals consciously or not feeling affects the responses of our actions with others or affect robbed us in Our achievement of our jobs.And that many of the problems small simple passage of time intensify in severity when they do not have an outlet therapeutic or a way to reduce them , and more groups closest to the problems are a group of young people who are in the prime of life petition hopes and ambitions and multiple needs that need to be possibilities and resources to satisfy either of the family or community institutions or official authorities. Young people are the foundation of each building social discreet upon which society and Ngenbhm regression to any patterns of behavior inappropriate socially or be elements that are not active in the community and worthy of us Kmokhtchin discuss and study the kinds of problems faced by young people, particularly class university in a realistic and field and learn how to reduce the problems faced by students and to develop solutions appropriate remedial her, in spite of these problems, search by more than one researcher , but each has its own problem , and every society has features and which varies according to time and place . The objective of the present research is to identify the problems faced by the students of the Faculty of Arts / University of Kufa and the development of therapeutic solutions to them, and to identify clearly been conducting this survey to withdraw a stratified random sample of (6) sections of the Faculty of Arts has included this sample students third phase of the male and female , the volume of sample core ( 157 ) students , and through the current research were presented answers respondents in the form of statistical tables to draw them problems most influential on a sample current research and arrange them according to each of the sections that have been sampling them , followed by the presentation table to question open Form questionnaire contained other problems experienced by a sample of this research and then offer solutions was therapeutic recommendations and proposals 






