Syntactic Structure of Embedded Sentences in Translating English International Law into Arabic


  • RahemChallub AL- Kaabi



1.E S = Embedded Sentences 2.S S = Syntactic Structure 3.D C = Dependent Clause 4.VEC = Verbless Embedded Claus


Legal English is a unique type of language which for ages has been a subject of great interest. Its peculiar form may give it the air of great dignity and professionalism, but above all it is criticized for its unreadability. Legal English is a most interesting and at the same timeexceptionally complex legal jargon. One of problems that make the structure of legal provisions odd and unintelligible is that the sentences are so complicated and long. This feature is gained by either the ample of embedded clauses or embedded phrases. The embedded clauses whether finite or non-finite, are excessively used in English legal provisions.The major types of legal writings are conventions, treaties, and agreements. All of them have to be written in form of Law, Act, or Code. The system of law regulating the interrelationship of sovereign states and their rights and duties with regard to one another is called international law. International law is also known as public international law to distinguish it from private international law, which does not deal with relationships between states.The aim of this study is to analyze embedded sentences in the international law and discuss the differences between public and private law sentences. This study has been devoted to investigate the problems translator will face in translating provisions mentioned in the appendix concerning to:-Public international law articles taken from (Geneva Convention), (The Charter of United Nations), (Human Rights/ Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees). -Private international law articles taken from (Anti –Terrorism Act, 1997), (commercial law),(criminal law).Finally the study arrives at main results such as: there are many problems which may occur during the translation process. The translator can control them by analyzing the syntactic structure of legal text and find an equivalent structure. The translator needs to use his/ her skill and knowledge to convey the meaning of the legal text accurately.






