The rule of the Subdivision the state "Aq Sunqur" Al- Seljuki in Halab A.D1094-1086 A.H./ 487-479 (Historical Study)


  • Sahar Abdullah Mohammed



Subdivision the state, Touch, Aq Sunqur


Reckon ((Aq Sunqur)) Seljuk of the important personalities in the history of Halab, a first Seljuki ruler of the Emirate of Halab after they suffered long years of complete chaos by rulers conflict and recruited plots and Hired the major powers in the region, caliphs Abbasid Baghdad and Fatimid state in Egypt, which made a big impact in reality and in view of the known for his courage, intelligence and good measure, Led to prosperity and make it a magnet, attracting the areas nearby As a result of superiority over his peers in the Seljuk tiles Elevated an important place and the distinctive to the majesty ((Malikshah)) because of his loyalty and devotion to the latter make it enjoys is like mission has arrived to give him the title of the Subdivision the state any partner, a the title has not been granted to any person by means that Share judgment at all, prompting this hostility brother majesty Malikshah ((Touch)) who wanted the majesty to himself, causing him to eventually collide with ambitions and because of the betrayal suffered by ((Aq Sankar)) signed prisoners but ((Touch)) for the latter to kill him, ending a period of stability and prosperity witnessed by the Emirate of Halab during the rule of the Seljuks.






