Centrality of the Signifier… Centrality of the Signified Solidification of Writing and Meaning in the Collection of a Jar of questions by the Poet Arif Al-Saedi


  • Dr.ameer Abbas Kadhim




Ejection, Indication, Meaning


The centrality of the signifier and centrality of the signified is the entangling process of the former with the latter in a textual bond that reveals the secrets of the text and demystifies its obscurity. It is the signifier that provokes a mysterious sense whose tasks is observation. Such observation takes place amidst a vivid consciousness which represents an influx of an artist who is drowned in his inner self that takes risks to load words with the hefty burden of meaning in suppressed tensions and anxieties imprisoned deep inside. These suppressed tensions and anxieties are conveyed by virtue of the The centrality of the signifier and centrality of the signified is the entangling process of the former with the latter in a textual bond that reveals the secrets of the text and demystifies its obscurity. It is the signifier that provokes a mysterious sense whose tasks is observation. Such observation takes place amidst a vivid consciousness which represents an influx of an artist who is drowned in his inner self that takes risks to load words with the hefty burden of meaning in suppressed tensions and anxieties imprisoned deep inside. These suppressed tensions and anxieties are conveyed by virtue of the signifiers to disclose a mysterious revelation full of meaning that is unraveled progressively as if wandering in a mysterious space wherein shadowy objects floats The centrality of the signifier and centrality of the signified is the entangling process of the former with the latter in a textual bond that reveals the secrets of the text and demystifies its obscurity. It is the signifier that provokes a mysterious sense whose tasks is observation. Such observation takes place amidst a vivid consciousness which represents an influx of an artist who is drowned in his inner self that takes risks to load words with the hefty burden of meaning in suppressed tensions and anxieties imprisoned deep inside. These suppressed tensions and anxieties are conveyed by virtue of the signifiers to disclose a mysterious revelation full of meaning that is unraveled progressively as if wandering in a mysterious space wherein shadowy objects floats shiningly representing immature signifiers. representing immature signifiers. to disclose a mysterious revelation full of meaning that is unraveled progressively as if wandering in a mysterious space wherein shadowy objects floats shiningly representing immature signifiers.






