Religious alienation In Ibn Abi poetry Hadid


  • Salam Ali Hamadi



Alienation, the hair, the son of Iron


Alienation accompanied the hearts of poets through the ages, since the pre-Islamic era to the present day, so that the poet affected by what delicate breath around positively and negatively.And numerous forms of alienation, including alienation psychological, and social alienation, alienation, emotional, and alienation of political and crowded alienation of religious those types Emigrant while stalking the human soul by some external influences and stimuli of the Interior, Capsize self between the convictions of various even becomes up eventually to the conviction governed variables, as well as the poet multiple cultures.And religious alienation represents a kind of alienation felt by the human psyche, as a result of feeling separate from some religious values. As we have seen some of the features of the religious alienation Ibn Abi Hadid as a result of the intellectual and ideological contradictions that practiced in his life . Was the emotional phase in his life the cities, and the mental stage in Baghdad, the impact of these transformations property. And a variety of poems in praise of Imam Ali and his exploits statement, and praised Abbasid caliphs. Also affected in some stages of his ideas Solitary.And carried some of his poems monologues mystical, divine love, prompting Aldhan Btatherh mystical approach . Where paid Hamas Solitary to address the philosophers of Muslims and non - Muslims.And he followed the colors of praise accompanied by political loyalty and perhaps through sectarian epithets and adjectives that inflicted Palmstnasr.






