Poverty and itsrole in duilding a culture of administrative corruption


  • Dr.aqeel abd jali
  • Huda Caream Mutlaq




Poverty, culture, Administrat ive Corruption


This research dialectical relationship between poverty and corruption as a
culture justified socially acceptable norm and the practice spread widely
as try searching in with the concepts of corruption, poverty and culture to
create a social approach to looking at the implications of poverty impacts
on the social and family structure, and the individual and the impact on
the spread of the phenomenon of corruption as well as political,
economic, social and cultural transformations experienced by the Iraqi
society during the past three decades has caused it to promote the
acceptance of society, especially the disadvantaged segments of the
downtrodden class of the mechanisms and manifestations of
administrative corruption.
That the individual is a product of social configure the environment and
surrounding conditions and factors that make up the moral his system and
values and legal persons that make the acceptance or rejection of the
habits or subject to the transformation of practices and change his
surroundings, especially if the impact affects the basic needs and its
ability to survive and live, so taking this Search as well as methodological
and conceptual framework chapter II three Detectives first focused on the
types and forms and causes of corruption while the second dealt with
political, economic and socio-psychological dimensions and its impact on
the emergence of administrative corruption and poverty third section
dealt with the composition of the culture of corruption in society contexts,
the research found, inter the findings and recommendations was the most
important that the search reached a direct correlation between poverty and
corruption syndrome as society and individuals Hilji to accept
legalization of administrative corruption and turned into an acceptable
culture when it comes to trying to society and the individual adjustment
to the provision of basic needs and ensuring the satisfaction of the
necessary peripherals, especially when it is believed that the system
political, social and economic in an unjust society but a summary of the
recommendations in the integration of all the official institutions of
society and informal to fight the phenomenon of corruption and renounce
justifications and thoroughly exercised.





