Morphological the Study of Broken Plurals in the Holy Quran


  • Assistant researcher Yusra N.Ghazi



Morphological Study in the Holy Quran, Broken plurals


Amorphological the Study of Broken plurals in the Holy QuranThe broken plural has been one of the morphological subjects that has draw the interest of scholars and researchers in this morphological study, the researchers has shown an analytical study for broken plurals in the Glorious Quran by showing some illustrative examples. The study is not only based on statistical basis, but also on an eclectic principle The paper has been divided into three morphological sections:In abstract is devoted for giving definitions of broken plurals. Section One deals with the study on fewness plurals in terms of their structures recited in the Glorious Quran as well as mentioning the expressions referring to these structures. Section Two tackles a morphological study of abundance plurals. It also sheds light on their structures. and examples recited in the Holy Quran. Section Three comprises the other rules dealing with the plurals in terms of expressing plural in one singular utterance. The paper has arrived at some conclusions noting that the researcher has not confined the paper to the mentioning of the examples only, but also to the mentioning of examples which are worth investigating. 







