Kant’s Ethical Republic


  • Inst. Dr. Mohamed Samari Raheema Al-Kaabi




Immanuel Kant ( 4271-4811 ) was one of the most important
modern philosophers and the most famous thinkers who wrote on
enlightenment and philosophy of ethics , which he employed in his
political philosophy , especially concerning state . In this research , we
attempt to explain the relation between the philosophy of ethics and the
philosophy of politics , and employing ethics in constructing state
according to his various writings .
Kant’s claim to found an ethical republic was an extension to the
notion of founding utopias by some former philosophers such as Plato
and Al-Farabi , which were ideal . That Kant agreed with them in the
general framework of the ethical state that provides individuals with
happiness , but he differed from them in many issues because of the
difference in time , place and the requirements of life in addition to
development of human thought .
The research is divided into three sections . In the first one “
Enlightenment and the relation between ethics and politics ” , we show
Kant’s opinion on enlightenment which was the base of his intellectual
system , on which he construct most of his conceptions on ethics , politics
and the relation between them in the framework of political philosophy .
In addition , the relation between the individuals and society and between
themselves .
In second section “ Founding ethical republic ( state ) ” , we treat
with Kant’s concept on the rise of state in the light of his vision to human
nature and state of nature and his theory of social contact which is
different from those of the other former philosophers . Also , we explain
the specifications of state which should be
In third section “ Civil society and its basic aspects ” , we treat with
the concept of civil society according to Kant , and the purpose behind it .
We also explain the basic aspects of civil society such as constitution , its
role in the life of the individual , citizenship and the characteristics the
citizens should have to realize ethical republic .





