Economic and financial aspects in the book "best partitions in the knowledge of the regions " Al-Maqdissy (d. 380 AH)


  • Muqtadar Hamdan Abdul Majeed



Is Shams al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr construction Conclave Bashari, traveler and geographer. Born in Jerusalem in 335 AH / 947 AD. Was the grandson of the engineer and architect who built the port of Acre. Work Conclave in several occupations, and toured in most parts of the Islamic world. As it is one of the most prominent Arab geographers, and Conclave of the few Arab geographers who argue geographical terms.Moreover longer book (best in knowledge of the regions) a summary of what he saw and his findings in his travels and his travels long. Which remains one of the most important sources for researchers in geography in general, and in particular with regard to the concept of the regions because it is presented in his book unique information not preceded it researcher in this vital area. A book (best in knowledge of the regions) after frequent trips in the provinces of the Islamic state. This book is therefore important geographical reference for the fourth century AH, because the uniqueness of the observations about the social and economic life, financial and intellectual not found in another reference.







