Websites of All Hussein subjects aveilabe on the net: A bibiogrophical study.


  • Rana Adnan Hud Salman Jabbar Hamid salman



Husseiniya sites, Web sites, Husseiniya Revolution, Al- tuff


The study aims to collect the olifferent websites of Al [Hussein subjects,Precinct threshold funeral ceremonies, processions, forums, Al Hussein poets and chorus, religions centres& institupions]. And of admit it concering the respon sibility, of the website, country, type, fwebsite and foundalion the study is limtted by the available Arabic websites and the websites of utupe, face book, news paperl,reconds, bullroarer websites, religions men,have all been putaside inaddition to the public websites of brood casting and TV channels, and also the religious websites [not specialists] (when are not dealing with Al Hussein subjects) mainly.The study depends on the lnternet methoel and Islamic proofs available on the internet as researching tool.*the study has many results?1. The websites Conerning the study are a bout(248) and the websites of forums, and social networks come first as about(84) websites because of the nature of them which help to thoughts and discussing them, as for the websites, of .Al Hussein subjects, procession,funeral ceremony come in the second place As for the poets and chorus, they were about(19) Websites, because of the liHle presence of such men and forming special websites of them.2.Al Hussein websites are available on(17) countrvies and not limited to one country, becous the Islamic people are many around the world, and they ofhen form snch religious websites which can help them to be with each other.3.Such websites are not permenant, in additivn to delete some of them.*the stydy has many recommendations:-Styding the subyevtive trends of the reseaches as studied, which are perseentect Al Hussein Center and institution, the matter whieh can help the researchers to know them.Key word All Hussein websites , internet wedsites, All-Hussein Revaiution , AL-tafe battel






