(Make) between semantics and grammatical semantics Quranic


  • latefa abd alrasoul




Studied grammarians verb (make) either in the (acts of hearts) or in the post (acts of conversion) or both, and they take that of the acts which are focused Mfolin and moving in a circle Mufaulah, or come out from its surroundings, but rarely, they are in their work but spring from the center of the circle major, which includes Detectives many in the circle of the so-called (acts copier) for the beginning and the news or actions that fall on the Debutante and the news Vtansbhma Mfolin, and the words of the Syntactical on the verb (make) is hardly beyond the representation of his time in the actions of hearts sometimes, and in acts of conversion at other times, but what narrated from the most knowledgeable and Alcentmra Ashmouni. It is mentioned by grammarians of the neglected and the bottom line is that grammarians to mention the verb (make) and not to mention the four sections: The first mentioned in the acts of the hearts, and actions of the conversion. The second mentioned in the acts of conversion only son, reportedly at the bird in close. The third extension, said as he did and later Sibawayh radiator. Four: They neglected to mention the Persian Abu Ali in note and followed Jorjani Abdul Qadir, who explained his book and he called the economizer in explaining the clarification, as well as the glass in the strings and I'm a bird in the explanation of sentences as well as Zamakhshari in the joint and a son live when the detailed explanation ... The grammarians who have studied the verb (make)







