The means of parliamentary oversight over the executive authority An Empirical Study of the current Iraqi constitution


  • Luma Ali Faraj



It is known that the parliament is the main pillar of democracy, as practiced peoples through its direct political in the selection of representatives to express their demands and their ideas and their views on various issues can not be democracy without a parliament representing the wishes of the people and working to meet the interests and aspirations. Parliament is an effective tool in the state as the legislative power in the country that work to enact legislation as well as its supervisory role over the executive authority and two two major legislation and supervision. In regard to the oversight role of Parliament exercises oversight role to make sure and check the performance of executive power in the implementation of the legal texts properly and in conformity with the Constitution, and through the accountability of individual Ministers or collectively for all acts issued by the authority of enforcement and related ministries of the State and the interests of its affiliates, whether this responsibility in image of questions and inquiries or investigations or by a parliamentary no-confidence and compel the ministry to resign.









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