Image of the other in the literature of outsiders their struggle with the Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) is an example


  • Abbas Obeid al-Saadi



Kharijites Download false image of the other characterized filtering, due to cultural differences and the difficulty of understanding the other, has been shown through their texts depth cultural conflict between visions contrary direction end I arrived in strife sword was text external didn't Search stand on those visions to identify image of the other In their culture, which is part of the ancient Arab culture, but with a modern vision. Feet Kharijites poetry valuable Inman narrow vision of the last affected to see them political and struggle for access to power has to provide them with belief came hair image of intolerance and narrow-mindedness, shares the political conflict after the arbitration to take estrangement range between Imam Ali and the Kharijites, came Bureau Kharijites poetic to express in drawing a negative image of the other have noted over the sufferings poet external image building that is safe in the characterization of the other, has surrendered poet outside of those negative image espoused belief built image of the other according to the satisfaction of himself and who believes in his vision of here right Birdie of outsiders and prepares them his idol The highlighted by every effort at the same time we see strips Muslim other than what he claimed outsiders, as well as we did not glimpse a positive image in the poetry of outsiders toward their enemies, but was most photographs in maximizing heritage of refusing to another and walk vigorously behind it, represents an anchor bad for understanding the evolution of life , and injustice heritage himself at the same time, has walked in the limbs outer nervous, and covered manifestations of belonging lumpy and yelling for him, but it manifested blatant taken Mari governance and receiving a like others of students governance and wealth and money broadband, Photo Kharijites other as Nakt to Asalamath uncommitted and their evidence on their adherence to Pflm Islamic they see from their corner narrow or because of their ignorance of the dimensions of the Quranic text, note from their texts intensity insistence on separation from the other and fight and kaafir did not turn to other ways of appeasement and still insisted on what they see they represent purity Islamic, and that others Eyal it , the other one in their synonymous with difference and hostility. 







