Phenomenon expressed in the language island descriptive study


  • Bassel Muhiy Alden



Expressing a genuine phenomenon in the island languages, as they grew in a single environment, and in similar circumstances, and the Arabic of the most prominent of these languages ​​which retained this phenomenon. Removing the Orientalist Johann says: ((retained in the phenomenon of classical Arabic Bedouin disposition, Basma of the oldest features of language has lost all the Semitic languages ​​- except the old Babylonian - before the era of prosperity and growth literature)) (1). And tried in this research study expressed in these languages ​​are concise statement with its historical display. Did not stand at the Arab, because the workmanship of the people of ancient and modern have extended the say in this matter. The nature of the research required to be in the introduction, preface, and Study. The section studied the phenomenon expressed in these languages, and included several paragraphs had been: (original label), and (place of origin of these languages), and (knowing Arabic nearly scientists languages ​​island), and (Island language sections), and (characteristics of island languages ). Then provided a historical summary of these languages ​​and the phenomenon of expression which preceded Boajazan movements Alaarabah in this language - was the approach taken in the presentation of material revenue is handed down linguists about this phenomenon in this family of language - except for the Arab - and reached by these scholars - from the ancient and modern - to the effect that the expression has disappeared in these languages ​​except Arabic. And sometimes you do I explain the ideas and opinions, which he said by scientists to simplify and clarify their views on this phenomenon. Finally, this effort fried perfect and only God alone, and our final prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.






