Narrative in the book "full of language and literature" News outsiders example


  • Abbas A'beed



The news contained in the like outsiders all share in the significance that the measuring rod of thinking the foundations of logic unique to the control of One Vision and the confiscation of the other opinion, Ibn al-master Abu Ali the Persian, they named Balhrah because they are air and angry (2), and in this narrative of the news / story invested by the thought of outsiders and their position Alalgaúa to an audience of Muslims and atonement each other after that Chzawa to many teams in the last command (3) Longer news radiator and effective means of means of narrative for the transfer of ideas and values ​​that are safe by their owners and carry them to the recipient to surround it minds reflect the vision of outsiders cultural rights in the distant past, but at the same time is a way to ruminate about the past to make a present free of exclusion, and perhaps this is what he has Paul Ricoeur in his book "Being and time and narrative," adding overlapping relationship between self-knowledge and knowledge of the world






