American strategic thinking & south world Reading in the theory of civilization conflict


  • Dr. Aqeel .A.jali



Strategy, ,strategic thinking, world of south


Theses of Samuel Huntington and Francis Fukuyama appeared (The Clash of Civilizations and the end of history) as one of the theses of American foreign policy toward the Global South, particularly after the events of atheist from September to contribute effectively in the development of US strategic thinking in guiding compass political deal on the pillars rely religious belief and cultural differences, ethnic and perhaps between Western civilization and the communities of the Global South, particularly Islamic ones, all that came in those propositions shows that Western civilization in a constant feud with other civilizations and Islamic ones who tried to exploit this theory within the corridors of strategic decision to the US industry.I have tried the United States and particularly the neo-conservatives, who held power under Bush Jr. to take advantage of a "clash of civilizations" theory investigation into its economic interests in the world via repositioning the balance of power even though it calls made using military forces and occupation as well as on the composition of enemies virtual according to the perceptions of that theory especially after the collapse and disintegration of the Soviet Union, for example, were employed clash of civilizations theory for access to oil resources in the Arab world under the pretext of the war on terrorism after the twin towers of world trade in the US bombings, and despite the lack of evidence of the health and the reality of that theory, but it was a way to achieve a project of the United States in strengthening its influence in the Middle East and achieve its interests in the acquisition of wealth ..Perhaps Huntington prepared his theory of clash of civilizations meet the interests of the most extreme groups in the global capitalist system and specifically the military industrial groups was divided to the world division and functionally utilitarian harnessing the political geography of the objectives of military policy, glorified the American model as a model based on liberal democracy, and this is what explains the extent of the employment of this theory in favor of the US strategy, opening new horizons in political sociology, political and anthropological towards the re-application to the fore employ those disciplines during the first stages of colonial dependence and the nature of those colonial societies culturally and religiously and differentiation as a key part in the mechanism of conflict management.





