poetic statement / review from the inside Read in the poem statement


  • Aref Hamoud Salim Al-Saadi




poem" has begun like a refresher ambitious project, trying to make his mark on the cultural landscape in Iraq, and throughout the Arab literary scene,, But the owners of the project, both, had signed a series of illusions, they clung to the idea of leadership and immobilized at this point, Knowing we did not innovate a new form, as much as we innovate in the form of poetry, and a big difference between them. , And the two groups were preoccupied endoscopically more of its attention to the production of texts, note that the entire project was built on the basis of different texts Not on the basis of theory, and this is the withdrawal of Cairo to stipulate criticism with poetry. And the fact that most of the signatories of the statement audit are critics who later joined the project, while lacked "first statement" for any critic, and has been confined to only poets. , But, with all the observations that have been made and which will be said later, the project "poem" is an Important sign of Nineties generation, but poetic scene in and outside Iraq







