The Influence of Psychodrama Technique in Lessening the Anger of Intermediate School Pupils


  • Hamid Qasim Raysha Tariq Abdul-Kadhim Al-Athari



The anger feeling is considered one of the outstanding feelings in the Human life that he feels with as an evidence of encountering the pressures and frustration factors .But when it accumulates inside the self it may result in some diseases and various psychological disturbances. Anger is unhappy feeling .it happens to man and it causes a state of stress accompanied by changes in the function of the internal organs and external bodily aspects expressing the degree of the feeling ,it influences the body negatively or positively according to the kind of anger and its extent .hence, its study on the theoretical and the practical level is a basic task of the psychological counseling .This paper deals with this phenomenon from both sides .in addition ,The dramatic work is used in a big deal in the treatment of the nervous disturbances .this is one of the facts that seems to support the idea that acting plays is a precious outlet for our feelings. The Research SampleThe Research Sample consist of (30) pupils from the intermediate stage who got high marks on the anger measurement . The Research limitationsThe research is confined to study some pupils of the intermediate school who are characterized of high degree anger from (Alwahda Al islamia ) intermediate school for the academic year 2011/2012. The Research InstrumentsThe current paper used the anger measurement (CAS) compiled by Williams E.Snell.Jr. after translating it and picking up the psychometric standards and standardizing it to fit the Iraqi habitat and fit the sample of the paper concerning their psychological state and age . The Research Objectives This paper aims at recognizing the influence of psychodrama technique in lessening anger for the intermediate school pupils via the following hypothesis : there are no statistically significant differences between the mark of the experimental group on the pre – post test of the anger measurement . The Results The paper arrives at the result that there are statistically between the marks of the experimental group on the two tests the pre – and the post on the anger measurement used in the current paper by using the (T-test ) for one sample , that the mean for the pre – application is(57.34) and the mean for the post application is (32.83) with a standard deviation (13.34). that the calculated t- value is (6.863) , and when compared with the tabulated t-value it appeared significant at (0.05) with a degree of freedom (29) . According to the results of the paper , the tow researchers came out with a few recommendations and suggestion .






