Applications problems facing students teaching sections of mathematics and computers in the College of Education - University of Mustansiriya during the period of application of the academic year 2007 2008


  • Ahlam Abd Ali Nasser
  • Rahim Younis Karro



Education is the basic needs of human beings, and is considered an effective tool in the service of society. And universities play a different educational institutions and a major role in the preparation of qualified scientific personnel. Due to its tasks and goals and what the programs for the processing and preparation of personnel in various fields of science are able to promote projects of comprehensive development and responsibility in various areas of economic, social, cultural, educational and developing societies hold great hopes on education and its role in the face of new global challenges. Confirms educators on ways and methods of teacher preparation and raising Kvayate and activate the role to be able to play its role with skill to prepare our future, which is located upon themselves to face different challenges and has been a growing interest in teacher preparation and have become the problem of preparation and rehabilitation of the most educational problems and educational prominence as a result requires that play the role of active in the education of young people and their education. As a result of complaints of supervisors of the students Almtbakan in previous years because their performance is not a required level, as well as for the school administrations as well as complaints of students Almtbakan themselves about the abuse departments of schools for them and subject teachers indigenous and the fact that the student applied can not perform its task in the face fully unless able to solve the problems that accompany the application process and that have a negative impact in building his character and the performance of his task properly as a teacher the future unless precautions are taken to ensure to reduce and remove the impact of those difficulties, as the survival of these problems without a solution is students Almtbakan lack of benefit from the process application and thus inhibit Hmmanm and motivation and their attitudes towards the teaching profession.





