The perspective of political geography Rooting in the historical For the secession of South Sudan


  • Dr.Ahlam Ahmed Issa



Sudan, Africa's largest country, Sudan, an area of ​​about (2505813) km 2 and population of approximately (39,148,160) million, of which the urban proportion of 38% and 62% rural.Sudan has borders with nine countries, as well as the Red Sea to the east and the north convert to Islam, while Christianity dominates the pagan religions and the other in the south. A federal republic divided into 26 states in turn are divided to 120 local as well as a large number of tribes speaking more than (130) languages ​​and dialects, Arabic is the language common to most Sudanese, and the official language of communication in most parts of Sudan.Sudan from the least developed countries, and there is no adequate and integrated network of roads linking its parts and large parts of it depends on the economy, the agricultural and pastoral economy of living. However developed commercial agriculture, industrial development and the recent exploitation of limited natural resources, especially after the discovery of oil in the center and south as well as in the West.Since the colonial era, attention is focused in the center since the colonial era due to the focus of development in Khartoum and in the fertile region of the island, where cotton is grown long staple as the main crop of the country. 





