Personal lament in the poem of the modern Iraqi


  • Dr.Ali Izz al-Din al-Khatib



It may seem strange, in an atmosphere language contemporary formations and patterns of building multiple, diverse and extreme sometimes in the form of which may amount to the complexity and strangeness Almtassh the new media were not already known in Arabic poem over the ages as the existence of techniques mask, mirrors, legends, etc., I say may seem strange to talk with all this development that pain out on the issue of the purposes of poetry, The purpose of the rude and meaning brings us to the special atmosphere of the hair is the atmosphere classical represented in the form and content of the poem heritage left by the good goal poem traditional held by biologists in the last century, the concept of purpose in climates poem contemporary turn to sign Simeologih refer to the concept of a special hair La laws and Sunan special entrenched in the mind the concepts of poetry classical-based system of two halves and therefore dealing classical private with the other, which is filled by the Office of ancient Arab poetry and entrenched in the minds of the Arab reader over those times, and then adopted by the poet bio, who tried to copy a poem his predecessor's good through the discipline to respect the laws of poetry, this is not, but that the nature of the poem contemporary and according to her personality based on the new principle of the college that is in contrast to fragmentation and plurality as is the case with the poem of old would be unable to accommodate this diversity and mobility between the various topics within a single poem, of the journey to the complaint and then cry to the designated purpose, and so on, but they are clustered within Ttakndq one issue is the central case, the focus 





