Comparison between different audio-visual methods (La France en direct - orally)


  • Dr. Abbas Abdeul-Hussein



When a teacher is called upon to give a course by audio-visual means to a group of pupils or a class, he is then faced with the choice of one of the many methods developed by the different educational institutions. Because if all the methods obey more or less the same principles and strategy of the audio-visual methodology, each method often resorts to a different audio-visual material and to an educational strategy peculiar to it. method have been careful to emphasize the public to whom it is addressed or appropriate. And each method is elaborated according to a more or less precise public. Thus, R.E.M.I. and BONJOUR LINE are methods for children. The first is for children from 3 to 11 years old. "In France as if you were there" and "In French" are recycling methods for "must beginners". The latter claims to address mainly foreign technicians and scientists who need French for professional reasons. "In voice" and "Voice and Images of France" while addressing beginners have adopted a progression allowing them to appropriate to "false beginners". Both propose for field, secondary education. "Live France" is intended primarily for teenagers, and is primarily intended for learning French as part of secondary education





