Market Shamer A model of the old Arab market.


  • Dr. Furat Hamdan Abdul Majeed



Known trade-promised the Arabs of the noblest professions and highest status to become the basis of living of the people of Yemen and worked by the kings and priests and heads of tribes (1). Created the Arabian Peninsula people to engage in trade since ancient history, to its average between the continents of the world known at the time (Asia, Africa, Europe) has been clever people to the importance of this site, and worked to establish a network of roads was best known through the incense, which runs through the Arabian Peninsula from the south to the north of the feeding centers of civilization in Iraq, Egypt and Greece, and spread to markets in the seasonal postponed, and the course of movement from the north-west to the east and south west. In the first and second centuries (BC) came to the people of Yemen from the lottery played down their interest in agriculture, and preferred practice of the activity that generates rewarding them resources. At the same time intensified the band, bringing in Yemen five countries at the same time are: Sheba and Qtaban and given, Hadramout and donkeys and became their capitals except donkeys are like states cities convoys subject prosperity and fall to the conditions of trade and political ambitions as was the case of Petra and Palmyra and urban areas in the north of the Arabian Peninsula.







