Strings reality and narrative fiction In the novel (pure Crow)


  • Dr.Hussein Ahmed Jarallah



The novel (crow pure) Is one of the contemporary novels that focused on contemporary reality, which represents a virgin field valid to study the intimate relationship between the (Reality) and (Formative Figure) and its impact on the structure of narrative text, in other words, studying the laws that guide patterns of authorship, and freedom of choice in the formulation of the artwork.The author's interest in historical documentation, recording the most important aspects of realism, and associated practices of the former regime which affected the construction novelist, in terms of building time took refuge in the author to divide the material feature on independent narrative units, especially with the presence of led sub-headings, which ensures its override-free times of the event.In terms of character-building which presents, the novel is trying to present the issue of (Iraqi man) within the contemporary reality in general away from individual privacy, and therefore, the author strips from individual characteristics, and only the guidelines.For expression the author's rejection of the negative aspects of contemporary reality, he deliberates to employ (Narrator Alim), who lists the third person, allowing to coordinate the narrator's voice with the real author's voice, especially adopts the satirical points of view to present his novelist world, relying on the employment of irony with its various types when he shapes the political scene vocabulary. 







