Adverse judgment in the poet of al-Abbasid


  • Tha'er Samir Hassan Shammari



It may be striking, and controversial to call this our label (negative judgment), particularly with the exercise of the subjects felt the wisdom of the High Commissioner, and the noble goals!To illustrate this I say: I did not describe this rule negativity Elabesbb Atsaf this hair viable hair wise, except the target positive, of course, Valhara here practicing the role of al-Hakim in the community, and try to addressing what they think their health, according to their visions personal, building on their own experience of self, that they wanted circulated to everyone, but that was the rule decreases the positive goal, as characterized by negativity; because it was destructive with all the content of the word meanings and connotations, therefore, preferred to call it negative judgment of the applicability of this status on them.Perhaps the reason for strange label, launched mainly from the focus of researchers on the study of the wisdom that characterized the qualities the positive methods of poets, and they have made to humanity at different eras, but mindful of - at most - a judgment which has Balsafh opposite, namely, Toshhaa qualities negative, and therefore came Find highlights on the other side of my face, wisdom, and to be a key to open new doors in the studies disturbed.With regard to the content of the provision negative in the hair-Abbasi, the extrapolation of the hair on between us that the call to drink wine - in the form of wisdom affect the reader or listener together - was secured basis in the hair, as well as addressing the things many negative last, most notably the call for the enjoyment of women including Aerdy God Almighty, and listen to the songs, and the practice of entertainment in general, and enjoy a few days young people prior to its termination, etc. of the judgment that Aestelzha security was in the same thing, but things of cynicism, and corruption of







