Religious experience of the Lady Mary (p) in the Holy Quran Sociological reading in the interpretation of the balance of Tabatabai


  • Ja'fer Najim Naser alaqeely
  • Dr.Nidal Issa Crieff



Is a religious experience, strength or General Chairman for any individual religious, because they represent a given real or realistic to the fact condemn it, in other words, any individual religious person does not feel the privacy of communication with the unseen except through a spiritual experience - personal by which to express his faith and his commitment to ritual celibacy and the proximity of his idol, and thus become the experience of the individual communication between the religious and the source of religiosity / unseen, which is embodied as a framework in which all operations worship and taste emotional / unconscious processes and the identification with the absolute.Do not stand religious experience at the borders of the owner or owner, as this is beyond the person to the total and the secret to the public, because it is based religions as a whole, since all divine religions and non-monotheistic (Buddhism, Taoism, .... etc), are a product of those experiences of religious self for some individuals the religious who are called prophets and apostles or saints (Calcedh Mary (p); individual religious this is trying to transfer his religious with the world metaphysical (which Mrtkzha President (The Revelation)) is trying to move them to members of the community in order to secure them as safe and worship as worship (rituals ). 







