Strategic planning for the main entrance of Total Quality Management Prospective study of a sample of the views of management and heads of departments and lecturers of the faculties of Education and Arts / University of Mustansiriya


  • Dr.Shukria Fadhil Kadhim



The study shows that the developed countries have adopted total quality standards in education and focused on the consolidation of this concept in their educational institutions and in order to be close to those countries in this issue it is important to adopt quality standards, In this study it has been adopted and the contribution of this criterion in the educational process. The selected study population were the Faculties of Literature and Education at the University of Mustansiriya. The study sample consisted of the educational stuff and the heads of departments.The study used analytical descriptive method, the researcher adopted the investigation of resolutions as a research tool, based on up to date theories and on old literature, and adopted modern methods of statistical analysis who suit the nature of the study.Among the most prominent conclusions emerged from the study, is the need of the participation of teaching stuff to develop strategic plans in the inputs and outputs of the colleges examined, and encourages all parties to adopt educational strategic planning for current and future success of the educational operation. 







