Contemporary developments in the relations of Turkey - "Israeli"


  • Ahmed Abd Ismail



The Multi-Turkish relations, "Israel" of the important topics of interest to the Arab region, as reflected in these relations positively and negatively by the general and the Palestinian issue in particular. As far as the subject of study in Turkey and "Israel," the two parties who have territorial ambitions in the region based on the expansion and proliferation, it formed a favorable opportunity for both to establish cooperative relationships. In the early nineties of the last century has created a development in relations between the two parties are different from past years, especially after the Gulf War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the start of the settlement process in the Middle East, creating a new opportunity for Turkey to strengthen its cooperation with Israel, whether in the political, military and economic. Through our study to the issue of Turkish relations - "Israel", we decided to study the historical background of the evolution of these relations. The study was divided into four phases The first phase - Turkish relations, "Israel" for the period 1948-1980 The second phase, they included the U.S. - Turkish relations, "Israel" for the period 1980-1990, and the third phase included the U.S. - Turkish relations, "Israel" for the period 1990-2000, the fourth stage included the nature of relations between the two countries in the Third Millennium. 





