The phenomenon of corruption in contemporary society Sociological analysis


  • Bashir Nazir Hameed



Corruption is not a phenomenon of morality nor the phenomenon of exceptional about individual cases can be dealt with in part, but it is a social phenomenon with multiple dimensions and overlapping, making it difficult separated from each other, dimension of the political is linked to the economic dimension and social dimension and the cultural dimension, Recent years have seen interest in Mlhaudha phenomenon corruption at the global level as a result of high levels of corruption in many rich countries and poor countries alike, has to reflect that international interest in holding numerous conferences and the publication of numerous documents and statements by international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank as well as non-governmental organizations and the most important of transparency International an organization aimed at combating corruption in the world, it also issued an annual report on the level of corruption in the countries of the world, and suggest lists issued by transparency International to the existence of corruption in all societies, rich and poor and developing countries, but in general we can say that poor countries more corrupt than rich countries 





