Baghdad In the eyes of poets


  • Dr. Anwar Saeed Jawad
  • Jawad Awda Sabhan



Heritage of humanity knew a lot of civilizations and nations in the long history, but few of these civilizations has survived and eternity, and to this day onwards that God inherits the earth and them. One of these civilizations or nations which were represented as the city in history and known to generations (Baghdad), or the world and the lady of the country (2) as described by the sapphire in his dictionary. That it was able to and since it acquired them from the necessities of life to remain the focus of near and far. Vkthert for that literature about it and its construction and its history and customs of its people and related social and Pegrebha Tarifha over its long history (3) even if we reviewed what was said in the long-Us place and we need lots and lots of time. But we are trying in this research that we stand at the statements of some Iraqi poets to know which of their vision for this city, and their position on it and what raised them from the feelings and sensations in different towards them and varied in terms of longing and nostalgia to it, and the desire to live by and between the reproach, and despair, and spelling and spinning and even pity her, this, along with Astzkarhm its history and glory as well as experienced by the city's attempts to weaken them out and about its place in the hearts of Iraqis. 






