Murcia girl Zainab Tthreyh / collection and investigation With the analytical study of Lamentations Khansa and Zainab And Abu Tammam


  • Laila Muhammad Nazim



In Elegies three were similar meanings and wording that the weights and Qoavera, with the variation of each Murcia from the other in time, Vgosaidh Khansaa in the heart of Islam and the poem Zainab girl Tthreyh at the beginning of the second century of migration, a poem of Abu Tammam in the early third century of migration, however, the time dimension of these lamentations of the three, we see them inspired by the hair and Khansaa Mratija to her brothers and her four children and husband.The poems also differ in the number of Ibyatea, Vllkhanads thirteen beta, and Zainab Twenty-three beta, and Abu Tammam more than twenty houses.Came a poem Khansaa achieved by the late (Louis Shehu) in ten verses inflicted by three verses other than the book itself make it Shehu a separate piece from the first, but no different to those of rude not guaranteed nor rhyme nor weight, and the poem Zainab has compiled diaspora Ibyatea from the wombs of old books and literature, heritage and achievements of scientific investigation and came up and explained Ibyatea wording that indicated the investigation approach.







