Flags and their uses technical Gray hair in Joseph Ben-Aaron


  • Dr.Ismail Abbas Jassim




Must for those shows in his study of any material of literary phenomena that Istgele on whether such phenomena doctrine go positive or negative.It has been a researcher that when he tried to Ajus through hair gray Yusuf ibn Harun, one of the poets of the fourth century AH it was able to touch an important phenomenon in the poetry of this man was using it flags the names of human beings are remarkable.The receipt of this large amount of names of the media in the gray hair as much as unfamiliar, unlike at other poets give him a great importance and special attention from the presence of researchers because the use of these names did not come by chance or in a vacuum, but came through advance planning and preparation of a conscious aim of achieving the purposes and objectives of the many technical.We are humble in this research do not claim that such a phenomenon has no effect in the poetry of others, but which we want to refer to him is the capacity to use and multi-technical purposes of existing ones.In light of the above research was inclusive of the two chapters as the first chapter is included in the formal use of two main Altkhalsat two sections, and storytelling, and the second chapter in the use of a moral, which included two two sections are also exaggerated, and counterpoint.







