Arab Alvsih (Read in concept)


  • Dr.Mahdi Harith Malik Al-Ghanimi



Despite the apparent stability of the term eloquence and the concept of Arab Alvsih in Blog heritage, and built upon studying modern, can claim that this is understood by the need to re-consider, in light of the defended theses ancient in it, and overlaps in the fields of knowledge influenced the direction guidance Grzia, led to the contradiction with Maiard of it, and making it linguistically and Sama to a particular age and people with their own eyes, and a particular time. Which govern the evolution of language and Tnamea, it is not a real justification of the language, but the power of eloquence and authority of the institution to the fields of knowledge in the Arab heritage. Has sought the search, to the extent Atagueth that Wigley concept in the light of the Quran, and the fact of language, to explore its mechanisms and Mujhath, and monitor the movement that led to the Hakmath in the Qur'anic text, and text language, together, show the impact of such governance, and what is built , in the formulation of perceptions of the Arab world for the past and recently.







