Self torn Study in the literature of the Iraqi Diaspora Novel (under the sky of the Copenhagen model)


  • Dr. Said Abdel-Hadi Almirhej



A lot of talk, and conflict in recent times, about the term (Literature Diaspora) and Ajtrah another term last, the literature of exile, while others spoke about literature Diaspora new, and despite the multiplicity of labels, we did not find the newly expanded and monitoring panacea for Literature Diaspora Iraqi, new or old, The creators of Diaspora Literature Mames is seeking to benefit from the Trathin; Heritage, which carried him with them in their migration, which is the heritage of their nation, and the heritage of the nation that Astotnoha, it was natural to see the different levels of theory and creativity. According to this we can talk about three forms of literature Almhhr; literature associated with the first generation (Gibran, Naima, Abu Madi ... and others) and literature generation who emigrated after that and created a generation different (Saadi Youssef, Fadhil Al-Azzawi, and Blend-Haidari ... and others) and characterized this generation that he was born in an incubator of change that was part of the formation literati first generation, and is thus linked to movements of renewal European before his emigration, with such third-generation children of immigrants, who were born and silenced Thelok language other than Arabic, and the Arab a second language to life. Thus, we can taste Furman creativity is absent, and Fouad Altkrli, and Jinan Jassim Halawi ... In storytelling, and Saadi Youssef, Fadhil Al-Azzawi, and Sargon Boulos ... in the hair, as well as votes creative the other in these fields or in the fields of creativity other, represents a natural evolution of their own experience on the one hand, and to experience creative in their community of Iraq on the other hand, continued to place in the novel and poetry of this generation is the space Iraqi dialogued creative and experienced living memory, from here we see that the literature diaspora known under true to allegiance, and like a natural evolution of the Movement of Arab literature in the Arab countries, but with this novel that we prepare a model to create the third generation, we will see there is a fundamental shift Theme has emerged as the conflict of identity, and literature were busy to the relationship with the other more than Bhawwarh internal concern as it was before. As well as the fact that the writer observed the march of social transformation for this segment (children of immigrants), who was born in the countries of destination, they are in terms of nationality belong to this strange space, while identity was torn between two worlds; world of birth and the world of memory. So, we found that the term diaspora literature acquires new properties with the birth of such work. As that written previous work makes it no different from the acts of non-migrants only place the birth of the text (writing) and the nature of Matherath, and this has an impact at the critical social, or psychological, but it has not Tstouh of the place, and the relationship of the other what would constitute signs Maúzh. Find sought to highlight these two things in the reading of the novel, both technical and substantive.







