Dialectic of self / other in the critical discourse of modern Iraqi Study budget


  • Dr.Khalil Shirzad Ali




We have released many of the critics and practitioners in the field of literary criticism - especially classics of them - on the concept of (self), and the corresponding any (other), the position of Aydleweuge, does not find its justification simple in what can be accepted the rationale and justification in the completed critical scientific and rational.May have been at the forefront of the reasons for these critics to the compliance of such a position, is a political conflict, which entailed a conflict between the position Aydlewaoggio self, and the other (western) concept in most of them. And self-evident to say that the reservoir of this political conflict / Alaydleweuge, stemmed from the gap of civilization large and vast that found the Arabs themselves, after they were covering in a deep sleep, extended from the fall of Baghdad in 656 AH / 1258 AD, down to the threshold of the nineteenth century, when endowed with the the roar of cannon (Napoleon Bonaparte), only to find themselves, may have fallen behind in many centuries of civilization, can not be bridged easily, unless they acquaint themselves with their forces diaspora intellectual and mental.... 





