Crime Information


  • Qais Ali Hussein



Computer is a tool really is the emergence of a new revolution not less important as the industrial revolution which is the information revolution, the revolution that brought about a coup qualitatively in how to perform the rights of the tasks assigned to him because they are less effort and higher efficiency and more to save time ability immense to store a huge amount of diverse information . It may be useful to know that the computer and that was a technical complex structure of different uses, but it is different from many of the devices and machines into an artistic or intellectual in its composition and the absence of these technical elements lose computer importance and becomes useless and feasibility, but that the real reason behind the estimated free of the computer, and reflected the substantive elements of programs that help run it and that is is a directives and orders addressed to the computer from the human form of sentences arranged sequence in a particular language and bored way automated processing of the data given to reach a solution to the problem to be addressed computer and out of critical importance have emerged many of the investment outlets and specialized numbers of these programs and marketing.






