Character Analysis In Waiting for Godot Of Samuel Beckett


  • Prof.Assistant.Samir Abdulwahid Yassine
  • M.Assistant. Mohammed Yassir Hamoud



Beckett, Godot, absurde


        The 20th century is characterized by many changes and developments that had their impacts, positively or negatively, on varieties of fields of life; one of those changes was the chaos that gave birth to theater of the absurd. Samuel Beckett was one of the famous playwrights of the theater of the absurd who, by his play 'waiting for Godot', turned the traditional rules of theater upside down. Beckett's characters are characterized by being in solitude where the latter is viewed to be an imposed reality with no way out but to keep waiting; however, his characters spare no efforts to face the barbarian and absurd attacks on their humanity, and to prove their very existence. The present paper aims at uncovering the hidden secrets and the dark sides of the play characters who are uprooted from the world because they have no family to live with; for them Godot's arrival is their last haven as he snatches them from life's miseries and pains, granting peacefulness.


1- Albert Camus, Le Mythe de Sisyphe, Paris, Gallimard, 1947

2- Anne- Gaëlle- Robineau- Weber, En Attendant Godot, profile d'une œuvre, Paris, Hatier, 2002.

3- Bernard Laland, En Attendant Godot, profile littéraire, Paris, Hatier, 1970.

4- Jean Duvignaud et Jean Lagoutte, Le Théâtre Contemporain, Paris, Librairie Larousse, 1974.

5- Jean –Luc De jean, Le Théâtre Français depuis 1945, Paris, Nathan, 1987.

6- Jean-Paul Sartre, Situation 1, Paris, Gallimard, 1964.

7- Jean-Pierre Ryngaert, Introduction à l'analyse du théâtre, Paris, Nathan, 2000.

8- Ludovic janvier, Pour Samuel Beckett, Paris, Union Générale d'Edition, Coll. 10/18. 1973.

9- Martin Esslin, Théâtre de l'Absurde, Paris, Buchet/Chastel, 1963.

10- M..Blancopain, Y.Brunsvick, P.Ginestier, Les Français à travers leur Théâtre, Paris, Clé Internationale, 1984.

11- Michel Viegnes, Le Théâtre, Problématiques Essentielles, Paris, Hatier, 1992.

12- Paul Robert, Petit Robert, Dictionnaire français- français, Société du Nouveau Littré, Paris, 1974.

13- Remy Thibault, En Attendant Godot (Samuel Beckett), Paris, Nathan, 1991.

14- Samuel Beckett, En Attendant Godot, Paris, Minuit, 2002.

15- Samuel Beckett, Fin de Partie, Paris, Minuit, 1957.

16- Yousif AbdulMassih Tharwat, Le Théâtre de l'Absurde et d'autres Questions, (texte arabe), Bagdad, Dar Al-Nahda, 1985.





