Delegation of authority to the directors of the departments of education in the province of Baghdad


  • Ali Hattab Kadhim Taghreed Rashid kadhim



devolution of powers, General Managers, General Directorates of Education


The current research aimed to identify the reality of devolution of powers to the directors of the departments of Education in Baghdad's Rusafa province from the standpoint of divisional managers and officials of the administrative divisions of the Office of the Director-General. The use of descriptive and analytical research method, and determine the research community's (81) managers and officials of the administrative departments of the people. The study sample was (60), director of the Division official. Was developed tool (questionnaire) consisting of (18) items represent scale devolution of powers was arbitration tool by a number of specialists to make sure sincerity. The most important findings of the research The first objective: that the reality of devolution of powers was average for the directors of the departments of education in the province of Baghdad / Rasafa as average degrees of respondents (56.13) degree and a standard deviation of (5.29) degrees which is greater than the theoretical average for the identification of 54 degrees. The second objective: No statistically significant from the point of view of the sample differences according to job site, reaching T value calculated (0.96) which is smaller than the value of T tabular the (2) when the level of significance (0.05) and the degree of freedom (58)




