The biography of Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) in the book “Nahyat Al-Arb fi Founun Al-Adab” by Al-Nuwairi (d. 733 AH / 1333 AD

Historical methodological study


  • Mohamed Abd El-Rida Chnaitr


This research deals with a systematic historical study of the biography of Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) in the book Nihayat al-Arb fi Fnoun al-Adab, authored by al-Nuairi. This book known as (Tareek al-Nuairi), consisting of 31 volumes may be understood from its title that it deals with one perspective which is the literary aspect, but it is a book that contains a huge encyclopedia that combines literature, history, geography, economics, sociology, religious sciences, government systems, translations, arts and sciences. The style of this book is featured with simplicity, clarity and far from the complexity. Al-Nuairi has not detailed the in showing the information about Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) comprehensively. This is on the one hand, but he goes on in his method and throughout the pages of his book that concerned with Imam Hassan (peace be upon him), that he is not the owner of the news that he narrates, and this on the other hand. He tries to get rid of its consequences and cast them on their owners by naming them, and he forgot or tried to forgot that among these narrators those are weak, abandoned, false, liar, and something. The other thing that this research has noticed, is the weakness of Al- al-Nuairi’s critical sense without expressing any opinion or analyzing any novel, but he was merely a collector of these texts





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