Self-perspective and its relationship to the anxiety of seeking social status among the directors of Al-Mustansiriya University


  • Hawra Muhammad Ali


self-insight, anxiety striving for social status, directors of Al-Mustansiriya University.


The current research aims to identify:

1- Self-insight for the directors of Mustansiriya University.

2- The significance of the differences in self-insight for the directors of Mustansiriya University according to the gender variable (males - females).

3-The concern of seeking social standing among the directors of Al-Mustansiriya University.

4-Significance of differences in anxiety striving for social status among the directors of Mustansiriya University according to the gender variable (males – females).

5- The nature of the relationship between self-insight and anxiety of seeking social status among the directors of Mustansiriya University.

     In order to achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher adopted the scale of self-insight prepared by (Muhammad 2018), as the number of its paragraphs in its final form reached (26) items. Its paragraphs are finalized (22) paragraphs, and the study standards were applied to a sample of the (100) directors of Mustansiriya University, and their psychometric properties were confirmed





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