The Battle of Dandaqan and its Consequences


  • Assist. Prof. Mohammed Nima Muatar


Dandaqan, sultan masoud , sultan Mahmood , Seljuke bendakak , tugerbek


In this research I discussed  the battle of Dandaqan and its  consequences ,where the conflict began between Seljuk and Gaznawy states as Israel bin Seljuk the leader of Seljuk  was arrested  by Sultan Mahmoud Algaznawy and since that time Seljuke began to unify their powers and reunite their groups in order to pave the way for revenge from especially after Seljuke movement to Khorasan as they could occupy Nisapor  and assume the throne of Sultan Masoud  Algaznawy whereupon the two parties began to prepare for  Dandaqan battle .They confront in great battle in Dandaqan desert located between Sarkhas and Muroo .Although the capabilities and power differences that inclined towards the Gaznawy in men and weapons , but the Seljuk won the battle and imposed their control on Khorasan and the Lands Behind the River ,eliminate , Gaznawy dominance in it and acquired the recognition of Abbasside Caliphate





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