Les intériorités de l'âme dans "Alexie" de Marguerite Yourcenar et "Lire Lolita à Téhéran" d'Azar Nafisi


  • Iman Qasim Thiban


psychoanalysis, feminist writing, east, west, comparative literature



 This research deals with two writers of different origins.  The first is from the West, the well-known French writer (Marguerite Yorsunar), and the second is of eastern origin, the Iranian expatriate writer (Azar Nafisi) .

 In the course of the research we will notice how the two writers excelled in narrating the broken thoughts that their main characters have.  We will also notice how they succeeded through this elaborate narration in describing the conditions in which they lived.  Moreover, they excelled in drawing characters shrouded in despair until they preferred isolation and marginalization over community life.  It is truly a diary burdened with worries and charged with fear of future .

