Emotional contradiction and its relationship to oppositional defiant disorder among behaviorally disturbed students


  • Assist prof. Dr. Heba Munadhil Abdul Hussein Al-Obaidi


contradiction, disorder, challenge, behavioral disturbances


The current research aimed at:

1- Identifying behaviorally disturbed students in the preparatory stage.

2- Identifying the significance of the differences in behavioral disorders according to the gender variable (male - female).

3- Identifying the emotional inconsistency of behaviorally disturbed students.

4- Identifying the emotional inconsistency of behaviorally disturbed students according to gender (males - females).

5- Identifying oppositional defiant disorder among behaviorally disturbed students.

6- Identifying oppositional defiant disorder among behaviorally disturbed students according to the gender variable (males - females).

7- Identifying the predictive values of emotional contradiction and oppositional defiant disorder in behavioral disorders.

8- Identifying the nature of the relationship between emotional contradiction and oppositional defiance disorder among behaviorally disturbed students.

    The research sample before diagnosis reached (400) male and female students from the preparatory stage, and after applying the behavioral disorders scale, a behaviorally disturbed sample was diagnosed, amounting to (155) male and female students. Baghdad / Al-Rusafa First for the academic year 2021/2022, the researcher prepared the three research tools, which are (behavioral disorders scale, emotional contradiction scale, oppositional defiant disorder scale), where she adopted the (Nasser 2022) scale for behavioral disorders, which consisted of (38) items. As for the emotional contradiction scale, the researcher built it according to the theory of (Raulin 1983), and it consisted of (31) items. Then the researcher built a scale of oppositional defiant disorder according to the definition of the American Psychiatric Association (A.P.A. 1994), which consisted of (32) paragraphs, and extracted for the standards a number of psychometric characteristics such as honesty and stability, then the researcher applied the previous standards to the individuals of the research sample and after data collection and processing Statistically, using one-sample t-test and two-independent t-test and regression analysis, the results indicated that:

1 - The diagnosis of (155) male and female students out of (400) male and female students in the preparatory stage were behaviorally disturbed.

2- There are differences in behavioral disorders between males and females and in favor of males.                                                                   

3- There is an emotional contradiction among behaviorally disturbed students.                                                                                                      

4- There are no differences in the emotional inconsistency of behaviorally disturbed students according to the gender variable (male - female).

5- There is oppositional defiant disorder among behaviorally disturbed students.                                                                                                    

6- There are differences in oppositional defiance disorder among behaviorally disturbed students according to the gender variable (male - female) and in favor of males.                                                                     

7- Emotional inconsistency and oppositional defiant disorder predict behavioral disorders.                                                                                  

8- There is a significant correlation between emotional contradiction and oppositional defiance disorder among behaviorally disturbed students


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