The system of storing and retrieving human resources documents in the College of Arts, Al-Mustansiriyah University: an evaluation study


  • Assist. Prof. Dr.Zainab Abdul Wahid Salman.
  • Muhannad Qais Abdul Aziz


Electronic archiving systems, information storage and retrieval, administrative documents, human resources document management system (HRIS


The research aims to study and analyze the human resource archives management system in the College of Arts, Al-Mustansiriyah University, and to find out its strength and weakness And the adoption of the standards used internationally in order to evaluate it and show the technical gap between the specifications and the current system, and then find successful solutions to close this gap by proposing appropriate methods for the goals and services of the institution. The descriptive method, the case study method, and the analytical method were used to find out the problems that the system suffers from, and to propose appropriate means to solve them. The research reached a number of results, the most important of which are: The total efficiency of the system reached (30.86%), which is considered a low percentage, and the percentage of low efficiency reached (69.14%), because the system does not conform to the standard specifications, which causes a decrease in the efficiency of the system.

The most important recommendations proposed by the research is the necessity of carrying out new evaluation procedures after addressing the technical gap that the system suffers from by using the solutions proposed by the study to obtain accurate results related to the efficiency of the system after addressing all its problems.


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