Le plurilinguisme du point de vue fonctionnel et éducatif


  • L. Hussein Saddam Badi


multilingualism, didactics, sociolinguistic aspects, code switching, identity


The study deals with multilingualism from a practical and educational point of view. It’s worth mentioning that the study is published during the period of our stay in France. The research deals with most important topics that have been recently addressed by specialists, especially in the last decade, such as identity, personal social identity and the ability of a bilingual individual to use these languages. Moreover, we will ask several questions, especially those related to linguistic influences and the impact of learning on increasing the individual's language skills, and the possibility of employing them in daily life. In our research, we conducted an audio-recorded conversation with an Iraqi researcher, a PhD student in Psychology at the University of  Grenoble in France.  He was born in Baghdad and studied there for a bachelor's and master's degree. After completing the recording of the voice conversation, we wrote down what the addressee spoke and then made an ordinal table of the topics in the study, then we analyzed this sample, and in the end, the results extracted from the analysis of the speaking person’s answers


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